For organisations who want to:

  • develop trauma-informed, trauma-sensitive or trauma-integrative care

  • create an environment where people feel at home, safe, creative and understood

  • promote an environment where staff and clients value stability, change and transformation

I can support you with the following:

1. Assessing Existing Systems. to assess the current structure, operations, protocols, and culture of the addiction service. Identify areas that need enhancement or revision to meet a trauma-informed model.

2. Training and Education: A significant part of the process is educating the staff on what trauma is, the effects it has, and how it often intersects with substance use disorders. This can include workshops, guest speakers, information sessions and my course "Embodied Recovery".

3. Developing New Policies and Protocols: Following the initial assessments and training, assist in developing new or modified policies, protocols, and procedures to ensure the service is more trauma-informed. Currently, I am part of an international team creating a universal nursing curriculum.

4. Creating a Safe Environment: This means ensuring that the environment is physically, emotionally, and psychologically safe for both clients and staff. Work with the organisation to create effective strategies to achieve this.

5. Establishing Trauma-focused Interventions: help to create and establish intervention strategies that consider the personal trauma history of an individual. This would include implementing treatment models specially tailored to addiction patients with trauma.

6. Peer Support: Peer support systems can be instrumental in recovery. Assist in developing effective peer support groups or strategies within the organization.

7. Facilitating Organizational Change: Change in culture and approach is essential for an organization to be truly trauma-informed. Work extensively with all levels of the organization to facilitate this change.

8. Measurement and Evaluation: To determine the effectiveness of the changes, help set up systems to measure outcomes, gather feedback, and continuously improve the practices.

9. Ongoing Consultation: Trauma-informed practices require a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. To provide ongoing support, coaching, and consultation to ensure that the organization remains committed to the trauma-informed approach.

To provide the necessary guidance and expertise to ease this transition, ensuring it is effective and sustainable. This process requires culture change and system change, so it is not an overnight or quick-fix solution but requires dedication and time.

I am committed to supporting addiction services transform into trauma-integrated services and healing communities by providing trauma-integrated training for professionals and organisations.

For this purpose, I am creating the ERA ® Model training.

This course will be offered through the ERA Institute in 2024.